For my True Romance Bluray package design, I wanted to start with a reveal. When the acetate slip cover is on, we see our stars in their signature clothing styles and funky sunglasses. When the case is removed, we see the transformation from when their love affair first began, to after their rollercoaster of a ride dodging FBI agents and Mob Bosses. Each panel of the inside case is inspired by pivotal moments between Clarence and Alabama. Panel one is Vista theater, where Alabama first meets Clarence when she "accidentally" spills her popcorn all over his lap. Slip out the disc to see Alabama's popcorn bucket. Alabama and Clarence both discover that they like to get a piece of pie after seeing a good movie, a kung fu triple feature to be exact. They make their way over to Rae's Diner, and the romance evolves. The disc contained inside is a plate of peach pie. When the couple makes their way back to Clarence's apartment, we discover how much of an Elvis fanatic he really is. A bust of The King with votive candles provides just the right amount of mood lighting as our couple seals the deal. This blue ray takes us back to when The King reigned at SUN Records. When Clarence shows Alabama his place of employment, Hero's For Sale, a cool little comic book shop, he shows her a comic book, and tells her the story of true love that really sparks the passion and love between the two stars. The cover of the booklet is a replica of that comic. Open the pages and check out this star-studded cast, and read some of their most memorable lines from the film by Tony Scott. Hopefully my project will inspire those who haven't seen True Romance to do so. You won't regret it!